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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Star Wars MEGA Fan Update!!

As many of you Star Wars fans may already know the Star Wars complete Saga collection is officially out and in Blu Ray!!!
“The Force is strong with this one.”
Everyone needs to go out and get this timeless set! If there is one collection of movies you decide to purchase this would be the one and also great for a gift!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Opena Case for Iphone 4

You are probably wondering what this weird card looking thing is above...well I got this from my uncle on my 21st birthday. This is a bottle opener. I keep it in my wallet, and it has become quite handy for opening up bottles. Well talk about handy....look below what this company has invented!!

Now you are probably wondering what this thing is! Well would you believe me if I told you this will be my future iphone case, and it has a bottle opener attached to the case! I LOVE THIS!! What will they think of next?! 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New ways to blend

I blend almost everyday in my kitchen. My husband loves salsa with all his meals (he comes from Mexico) my blender gets some good beatin. It sometimes leaks all over my counter, and I have already had to buy 2 new sealers around the blade. I'm ready for something new.

Well guess what...there is!! There is a Cuisinart Smart Stick Hand Blender! This I want to try:)!
The versatile stick design of the Cuisinart Smart stick Hand Blender lets users blend ingredients right in pots, pitchers, bowls, or clear plastic beaker that's included. A powerful 200-watt motor operates with an easy one-touch control. Blends drinks, purees soup, mixes pancake and crepe batters in seconds! Both stainless steel blending shaft and beaker are dishwasher-safe. Perfect for making all of your delicious fall recipes!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Drink Mixes

Sick of having to get your drink mixes miss the bottle or glass and get all over your counter?

I hear there is a new liquid drink mix called MiO. What is so neat about this product is that it comes in six flavors and has zero calories. MiO is free of caffeine, sugar, and artificial flavors. Now you have your say in the flavor department. Can't wait to get my buzz on and try it!