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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Schick Hydro Silk

I know that my legs were super "silk" smooth righ after using this razor! Thanks Buzz Agent for sending me this sample for free to try. I am here to give my honest opinon of this product. I used it for the first two times and got an amazing feeling on my legs. The moisturizer that they placed on there was just everywhere; it felt soo great! Then after the 3rd or 4th time of using this razor it was just dragging because my moisturizer was all dried up. I wish this feeling would last longer because I don't switich out my razor only after two uses or even after just one week. This would be very costly. I hope for this luxury of my legs feeling super silky would last longer!

Cafe Escape...wheres your Escape?

A great way I know to start my morning off is with my new Cafe Escapes! As a buzzagent I was sent 6 great flavors to try for free. The flavors are chai latte, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, cafe mocha, cafe caramel, and cafe vanilla. I have tried all these flavors and really enjoy my cafe caramel and cafe vanilla. These cafes are already sweetened and ready to drink as soon as they come pouring out of my Keurig. I have tried the milk chocolate and have even purchased the cafe mocha recently from the store. I already enjoy those flavors regularly. Now that I was able to try the dark chocolate and chai latte, I have added those to my regular list too! Great job Cafe Escapes!! I really enjoy them!