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Monday, January 17, 2011

Mouse in the House

Who knew I would get a mouse in my house. I first of know one thinks YUCK...."why does she have a mouse in her house"...I do live in the country. AND...I also have a quarterly pest control guy come out and he is suppose to be "treating" our home. SO the story is I was getting one of my pots out by my stove and the water line connecting from our sink pipes to the frig was leaking all over my dishes and pots in this cabinet. I thought to myself...what the h*ll!! So I took everything out of my cabinets and dried up this huge water spill and made sure to turn off the water flow going thru this pipe. Now....I had to find what the problem was. looked liked maybe it rubbed up against the wood too many times (it was old) in the cabinet, or perhaps I jammed my hardly used dusty flower vase too hard against this poor vinyl piping. It even came across my mind that my one year old, Andy perhaps grabbed a pair of scissors (I did have the cabinet opened the other day bc I have child proof locks on them) and decided to go hay wire with the pipe...who knew?! So my husband checked that night and said well it was old, not a problem, I will fix it. Then the day comes to where he was going to fix it and when he sees the defiantly looked like something was scavenging for burried treasure...not really...just for some water. It had chewed thru the remaining end of the pipe. Well of course the pipe was previously holding water! We pulled EVERYTHING out of these bottom cabinets in search for anything alive and with baby was no where to be found. IT had to be small and our bet was on a mouse! My husband tells me...Don't worry I will get a mouse trap tomorrow! OH messy bloody war zone is going to happen under my beautiful oak kitchen cabinets!! We had a super sticky trap left from the pest guy...why it wasn't catching this thing...I don't know, but I figured out my own solution. If the pipe is what the mouse wants then the pipe is what the mouse is going to get. I figured I will move this sticky "trap" onto the pipe and drip a couple of drops of water onto the pipe stuck to the sticky trap. AND...we caught the mouse that night!!!! wasn't because of my "genius" plan but of because of my luck. I went into the kitchen that night...turned on the light...and there was that d*mn thing running like the speed of light across my kitchen sink and behind my kitchen block knives. I yelled for Luis my husband and there is running like the speed of light as well behind me. The first things he sees to grab this mouse is my oven mitt...."honey, would you like my apron too?" I'm grabbing a box and asking him does he want me smash it with something...haha I would..I was trying to sound brave and supportive. He does actually catch this thing behind my spices.
  After seeing this thing all I could see was cuteness from this fat tiny little mouse
I grabbed a ziploc baggy and a straw-and that was his temporary home until we figured out what to do with him now. Until we figured out he was the boys new j/k..yeah right! I was still ticked off at this thing! So we all grabbed our jackets, jumped in the truck and headed for the park-pretty good distance from our home. That way he can't find his way back to our home! He dropped this cute little mouse at the corner of the woods in the park. My husband yells out of the truck as I'm releasing it out of the baggy..."Now it's just going to be snake food!" I yelled back "well at least the snake gets to eat"! I thought to myself and at least it's better than seeing the bloody war zone as well! I knew after he saw that mouse there was no way he would have the heart to hurt that thing!

So the point to the story is no matter how clean you can get a mouse in your house :)...but at least when your clean you will probably be able to find him sooner ;)

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